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Environmental Media Services (Washington D.C.) 米国ジャーナリスト向け環境メディアサービス。 Resources for journalists. Breaking news and backgrounders, press-events calendar, facts and contacts on biotechnology, sprawl, chemicals and health, pollution, trade, pesticides, global warming, more.
Mediterranean Collection (Washington D.C) 地中海旅行手配。 Selected boutique hotels, yachts and other services throughout Greece and Turkey for the independent traveler. Prices vary but quality of service always excellent.
www.choice-locations.com (Washington D.C.) アフリカンアメリカンサイト。 The premiere African-American and Multi-Cultural website of unique and interesting places to visit, experience and enjoy as you travel for business and/or pleasure.
kathleensway.com (Washington D.C.) 米国ショッピングモール。 We have books, records, family clothing, and specialty shops carrying gifts for all occasions.
Humane Society of the US (Washington Washington D.C.) 人工毛皮ファッションショー。 A fashion show on October 28, 1999 for "Evolutionary Fur," a man-made fur designed by Oleg Cassini. This is a benefit for The Humane Society of the United States.