スウェーデン - Wikipedia スウェーデン王国(スウェーデンおうこく)、通称スウェーデンは、北ヨーロッパのスカンディナヴィア半島にある国。スウェーデン語ではSverige(スヴェーリエ)といい、スヴェーア族の国の意。
Statistics Sweden (Sweden) a central government authority for official statistics and other government statistics and in this capacity also has the responsibility for coordinating and supporting the Swedish system for official statistics.
CIA - The World Factbook -- Sweden Introduction, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues
Ekoparkens webplats (Stockholm, Sweden) The Ekopark - the world's first National Urban Park - is situated in parts of Stockholm, Solna and Lidingö municipalities.
Kulturnät Sverige Kulturnät Sverige samlar, sorterar och sprider svensk kultur via Internet. Kulturnätet fungerar som ett virtuellt bibliotek och en mötesplats för diskussioner och erfarenhetsutbyte på kulturområdet.
Stockholms stads webbplats (Stockholm, Sweden) The City of Stockholm with information about business, tourism, the city hall, Stockholm by theme, Stockholm by district, Stockholm by statistics and FAQ
Swedish Chambers of Commerce (Stockholm, Sweden) The Association of Swedish Chambers of Commerce is the national organisation and network for regional chambers, all uniquely positioned at the heart of every business community in Sweden.