総合情報 | 観光トラベル | ひと・まち | イベント | ショッピング | ビジネス
[総合情報 - General Information]
- 外務省 ハイチ共和国情勢
- Embassy the Republic of Haiti in Washigton D.C. (USA)
You will find useful information here about Haiti, the Government, Business opportunities Visa and Tourism.
- CIA - The World Factbook -- Haiti
Introduction, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues
- Haiti Info - the haitian news
- Le rendez-vous des haitiens
- Windows on Haiti
To present a truer, more positive image of the Haitian people and culture than what is commonly portrayed in the media
- Discover Haiti
Reference about Haiti, haitian history, arts, people, haitian culture. Also, news, haitian web pages, links, restaurants, parties etc
- Port Haiti
The Internet Information Port devoted to Haiti and to the Haitian People
[観光 トラベル - Travel and Sightseeing]
- Haiti Tourisme
Secretary of State for Tourisme of the Republic of Haiti
[ひと・まち情報 - People and Town]
- ArtMedia Haiti (Haiti)
The Center of Haitian Art
- Haiti Global Village (Haiti)
Haiti Global Village, founded in 1996 and launched in 1997, develops and maintains over 300 internet sites and 9500 pages of content devoted to Haiti and to the Haitian People throughout the global village.
[ビジネス - Business]
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首都 : ポルトープランス Port-Au-Prince
人口 : 676万人
面積 : 28000km2
通貨 : グールド
言語 : フランス語、クレオール語 |