総合情報 | 観光トラベル | ひと・まち | イベント | ショッピング | ビジネス
[総合情報 - General Information]
- 外務省 コスタリカ情勢
- 在コスタリカ日本国大使館 (San Jose)
- CIA - The World Factbook -- Costa Rica
Introduction, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues
- Bienvenido a la Internet en Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
- Costa Rica YellowWeb (Costa Rica)
Find everything you need to know about Costa Rica! shopping, travel, history, weather, real estate, sports, chat
[観光 トラベル - Travel and Sightseeing]
- コスタリカ共和国政府観光局 (Costa Rica)
- 自然王国コスタリカ (Costa Rica)
- Costa Rica Tourism Board (Costa Rica)
- Nuevo Mundo - Guide to Latin America (San Jose)
Your guide to Latin America, hotel and restaurant
- Nuevo Mundo - Central America Travel Center (San Jose)
Includes guide to Central America, travel agency, hotel and tour listings
- La Mansion Inn (San Jose)
The most exclusive all-suite inn project in Manuel Antonio Beach, Quepos, for people of the most discriminating taste.
- Hotel Martino Med-Spa and Resort in Costa Rica (San Jose)
Take anounce of tranquility, add a quarter of luxury spa, and a spoon full od vital cuisine, decorate with a drop of sports, personally managed by the proprietor Mr. Alfonso Martino.
- Cabinas Sol Y Mar Vacation Cottages (Golfito)
Stroll along a 6-mile beach without seeing crowds of tourists. Our cabinas are undiscovered jewels, in a beach paradise that offers a unique travel experience.
[ひと・まち情報 - People and Town]
[ビジネス - Business]
- グルーポ・タカ航空 (東京都渋谷区恵比寿西)
コスタリカ LACSA 航空、ペルー TACAPERU 航空、グアテマラ AVIATECA 航空、エルサルバドル TACA 航空の4社が連合して運航
- A.M. Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Costa Rica daily news, English-language, newspaper, travel, politics, environment, government, business.
- Corporacion Nirvana Real Estate (San Jose)
We have Costa Rica's finest properties. We specialize in resort development properties, ocean view and beach front parcels, recreational and mountain farms.
- Forester Instituto Internacional (San Jose)
Spanish language school in Costa Rica offers small groups, homestays, U.S. academic credit.
- Advanced or Beginner: Spanish Instruction (San Jose/R Levy)
Stay with a Costa Rican family while you learn Spanish. Total immersion instruction. IPEE Spanish Language School has a program just for you! Year round.
- Villa-Plenitud - A Guide To Plastic Surgery In Costa Rica
A resource to find appropriate Costa Rica plastic, cosmetic and other surgical specialists.
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首都 : サンホセ San Jose
人口 : 360万人
面積 : 51,100km2
通貨 : コロン
言語 : スペイン語 |