Home > World > Asia > Japan > Prefectures > Nagano
 | [Nagano] > Nagano has beautiful Nature and old Town. |
Capital > Nagano |
Population > 2,206,000 |
Area > 13,585 sq. km. |
Prefectural Flower > Gentian |
Prefectural Wood > White birch |
Prefectural Bird > Snow grouse |
Main Events > Zenkoji obinzuru festival |
Products > Apple, Mushroom, Beef, Kiso lacquer ware |
Sister City > Missouri (USA), Hebei (China) |
Nagano - People, Town | Travel | Events | Shopping | Business
[People and Town]
Nagano Prefecture (Nagano Prefecture) Official page of Nagano Prefecture.
Welcome to Misuzukaru-Sinano (Nagano/S. Miyashita) Information on Nagano prefecture, Townscape, and Nagano Olympic Winter Game.
Ueda city (Ueda City) Official page of Ueda city. Welcome to Ueda
Medialand UEDA (Ueda city/UMIC) About Medialand, Ueda Guide, Staff, Mail
Hot springs and Amusements (Nagano city/Internet Shinsyu) -Japanese Information on Hot springs and Amusements in Nagano prefecture.
Welcome to Misuzukaru-Sinano (Nagano/S.Miyashita) Information on Nagano prefecture, Townscape, and Nagano Olympic Winter Game.
Yusan's Guide in Matsumoto area (Matsumoto City) A volunteer guide "Yusan" will guide you the Matsumoto Castle and Matsumoto area.
Pension Robin (Suzaka City/Yoshihisa Yano) Welcome for people from abroad. Skiing resort area. Running whole year. Possible for E-mail written in English. Very near to Nagano-City.
Ueda city > Tourism and Conference (Ueda City) Information on tourism and conference in Ueda city
Paul Southan's Homepage (Ueda City/Paul Southan) A personal homepage which provides an insight into the beauty of the surrounding areas of Ueda. It contains many pictures of some of my experiences whilst living here in Ueda.
Official Olympic Winter Games Site Nagano '98 (NAOC) Official XVIII Olympic Winter Games Web Site, Nagano, Japan, February 7-22, 1998
The Nagano Winter Paralympic Games (NAPOC) Welcome, News, Sports, Information, Nagano, Plaza, Product, Programs, Fanfare
About the "Take no Nobori" Festival (Ueda city) It was performed during the Nagano Olympic Winter Games Closing Ceremony
Ebisu-kou Fireworks (Shinshu University) The movies is taking a picture of Ebisu-kou Fireworks. GIF, MPEG File, AVI File
IIJIMA SHOPPINGCENTER COSMOE21 (Iijima town/S. Nakajima) Information on Iijima Town and our shopping center.
Internet Yellow Page for Minor enterprises (Ueda city/Y. Imai) -Japanese General information on Minor enterprises.