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International Organizations - 123World (India/Compare Infobase) This site links you to the websites of all the important international organizations.
Tokyo fire fighter's web site (Japan/Hayashi) This is a Tokyo fire fighter's web site.
World Climate Report (USA/Greening Earth Society) World climate report is a biweekly, online research review with breaking news on the science and politics of global climate change from Greening Earth Society.
Marine Aquarium Society of Los Angeles (USA/MASLA) Devoted to education of, and for the the development of responsible, marine aquarium keeping
support group for famlies of parchman prison inmates (USA/support group) mdoc parchman prison inmates support group for parchman prison inmates.
Chicago Medical Society (USA/Chicago Medical Society) It is the continuing aim of the Chicago Medical Society to serve the best interests of the community and the medical profession.
Western Fuels Association (USA/WFA) Western Fuels Association is a not-for-profit fuel supply cooperative for consumer-owned electric utilities in the Great Plains, Rocky Mountain, and Southwest states.
Civil War - Pennsylvania Regiments (USA/HMore) Proudly dedicated to 60+ family members from Pennsylvania who served as Union Army Soldiers in the Civil War.