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Nunes's Exposition of Scientific Truths (Brazil) NEST Nunes's Exposition of Scientific Truths is intended for everyone someway interested in Science, History, Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics, or Engineering.
The Quebec Government Geomatics Plan (Canada) The QGGP is a strategy aimed at co-ordinating the actions of 15 departments and 11 governmental agencies which produce or use spatial data.
Energy in Quebec (Canada/MRN) Quebec is well-known for the abundance of its natural resources, and also for the way in which they are developed.
Mineral Resources in Quebec (Canada) The ministere des Ressources naturelles du Quebec supports the development of an innovative and competitive mineral industry at the global level.
Low Dose Radiation, Hormesis and Radioadaptive Response (Japan) The Stimulatory , Hormetic and Adaptive Effects of Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation
Tryphonov E.B. Human Psychophysiology (Russia) Interpr. >3500 terms in Rus. & Engl. equivalents. Probabilistic methodology. For physicians, psychologists, physiologists.
Scientific Literature Review (USA) English, chemistry and biology papers evaluated for a fee via email.
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